Saturday, January 30, 2010

Our Business Objective

Our objective is to work with partners and agencies across Thailand to help establish sustainable business opportunities that will support the broader program to end human trafficking in this country. Our strategy includes working at certain points of intervention as girls and boys leave home in hope of finding better opportunities and end up in bars, brothels and the streets. Specific areas of focus include the villages of the northeast region Issan (primary region of origination) and the destination city of Pattaya (primary city of focus) where human trafficking is extremely prevalent. The model for this intervention program includes the four areas below.

The business team will focus specifically around education, support and transformation as it applies to identifying scalable and repeatable economic models that replace these brothels and bars. A successful program requires involvement and support across our local partners as well as local non-profit organizations, businesses and the Thai government (Proverbs 15:22).

Friday, January 29, 2010

Our Mission and Vision

To develop and implement an economically sustainable business program in Thailand that will serve those impacted by human trafficking though the mobilization of the church in conjunction with local professionals, organizations and agencies.

To change the world by transforming the lives of those who cannot speak for themselves through education, economic opportunity and a stable future.